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Here's a Sneak Peek at a Sample report...

Background Check Report

Applicant: Tommy Trojan
File #: 110701
Reported: 6/30/2024 10:00 AM PT
3 sections need attention!

Applicant Information

Name: Tommy Trojan
Date of Birth: 03/07/1990
SSN: XXX-XX-3123
Address: 10124 N Ridge Rd
City/State/Zip: Fort Worth, LA 90007

Identity Verification

Good. This applicant is who they claim to be, and the records uncovered belong to them instead of someone else.

Sorry. We cannot verify if this applicant is who they claim to be.

Global Watchlist Search

Good. This applicant is not on global watchlist.

Attention! This applicant hits global watchlist. Details below:
• Type:
• Date:
• Source:

Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) Checks

Driver's license number:
Driver's license issuance date:
Driver's license expiration date:
Physical descriptors:
• Hair color:
• Eye color:
• Weight:
• Height:

License status: Good
Suspensions or revocations: None
*Traffic crime convictions: None
*Major traffic crimes: None

License status: Attention!
Suspensions or revocations:
• Type:
• Date:
• Source:
*Traffic crime convictions:
• Type:
• Date:
• Source:
*Major traffic crimes:
• Type:
• Date:
• Source:

Criminal History Checks

Good. No criminal records found.

Attention! Criminal records found below:
• Type:
• Date:
• Source:
• Level:
• Sentence information:

National Sex Offender Registry Checks

Good. No records found.

Attention! Records found below:
• Date:
• Address:
• Registration information:

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